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The lens of the eye plays an important role in our ability to see clearly. Situated behind the iris and pupil, it works to focus light onto the retina to produce clear, sharp images. As old cells on the lens die, they sometimes clump together, causing the lens to cloud. This clouding of the eye's lens is called a cataract.

The formation of cataracts is a common part of the aging process that affects more than half of Americans 65 or older. Fortunately, thanks to modern treatment techniques, cataract surgery is extremely safe and effective. It is also the most common surgical procedure performed, with six million procedures performed in the world and three million performed in the U.S. each year.

Signs and Symptoms
Cataracts usually form slowly. The following are some of the first symptoms patients typically notice:

Types of Cataracts
Age-related cataracts
The formation of cataracts is very common as we age. By age 75, nearly everyone has at least one cataract.

Congenital cataracts
Newborns sometimes have cataracts as a result of an infection that occurred in the womb.

Secondary cataracts
Secondary cataracts form as the result of another disease, such as diabetes.

Traumatic cataracts
Occasionally, cataracts can form after a traumatic eye injury.

Detection and Diagnosis
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, adults between the ages of 40 and 64 should have a comprehensive eye exam every two to four years. People 65 or older should have a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years.

During an exam, your doctor will test your vision and will dilate your pupil in order to examine the condition of your lens and other parts of your eye. If cataracts are detected, your doctor will provide you with treatment options.

Can cataracts be prevented?
Though there is no proven way to prevent cataracts, there are certain factors that are linked to their formation.These include:

Article Source:
St. Lukes Eye

Image Source:
Google Image Search

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